Dear Ladies,
Lunch yesterday, Tuesday was at Csarda the hungarian restaurant on Mykolo. I have always liked the atmosphere at this restaurant. It seems to wrap itself around you when you go in. The waitress, whilst not having the most smiley face I have ever seen, is very efficient and the food is good. The restaurant was also well patronised which was nice to see.
Mike and I took one of his sisters there once and, as she always goes for the most expensive thing on the menu, she asked for the rosy duck. She also asked for it well done as the whole family is used to the 'burnt offerings' their Mother used to make for them. ( I hasten to add that Mike does not get burnt food from me ) Anyway, the waitress at the time looked down at Gill and said ' duck does not come well done and it is supposed to be ROSY. BLISS!!!! One of life's enjoyable moments.
There will now be no lunch bunch until Tuesday 1st December as the Christmas Bazaar is taking up our time, thoughts and energy.
I will send an email nearer the time telling you the venue.
If there are any ladies who are interested in joining Mike and me for a Christmas dinner one Saturday evening before Christmas then please contact me so that we can arrange it.
Have a great week and work hard for the bazaar. It will be a lot of fun and I think we will all be pleasantly surprised with how much money we raise for our beneficiaries.
Barbara - Chair
Photo source: csarda.lt
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