Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Coming Soon: A Recipe Book

photo by esotericsean at flickr.com

Attention everyone who loves to cook! A book complete with 140 recipes presented by women from around the world who are living in Lithuania has been produced as a CD by IWAV. This electronic book will be available at the Bazaar for purchase. The book is illustrated with more than 80 drawings by pupils of international schools in Lithuania. The book costs only 12 Lita and all the proceeds from the book’s sale will be used for charity.

This book will make a perfect gift for friends and family back home.

Please let us know how many copies of this book you would like to buy. You can reserve several copies via email (iwavilnius (at) gmail (dot) com) or just come by IWAV stand at Christmas Bazaar on 4 December 2010!

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Baking For a Cause

Christmas Bazaar 2009 bake sale stand

Dear Ladies,

It has come to my attention that some of you may not be aware that we will be having a home-made bake sale stand at the bazaar as we did last year.

This year the stand will be in a more prominent position so hopefully we will be selling even more home-made delicacies.

If you would like to contribute to this stand then here are the instructions from Dalia who will be in charge.

You can make cakes, quiches, sandwiches etc. Everything will be sold for 4 litas so if you think that one piece of your cake is worth 4 litas, then wrap them individually. If you feel that two pieces of your cake are worth 4 litas then wrap two pieces together and so on.

Any plates or dishes that you provide must be disposable as we will not be able to return them. Provide a list of the ingredients written in english or Lithuanian.

Your contributions can be brought to the bazaar on Friday evening if that suits you or on the Saturday morning from 8.00am.

If you have any questions then contact me at IWAV.


Saturday, 13 November 2010

Sneak Peek: International Christmas Charity Bazaar 2010

One of the most important charity events in Vilnius is coming up at the beginning of December. International Christmas Charity Bazaar (ICCB) will take place on 4 December at Vilnius Town Hall. Many IWAV ladies are now busy with preparations: looking for sponsors, planning the programme, preparing for publishing the cookery recipe collection (more details on this later), organizing participation of various embassies etc. For those who doesn’t know about ICCB, this event is organized annually and is a major charity event. Proceeds from ICCB are used to help those in need. This year there are 7 beneficiaries that were chosen by the charity committee:

1. Kaunas Medical University Hospital
2. Vilniaus m. Vaiku ir Jaunimo Pensionas (Orphanage for mentally and physically disabled children)
3. Ekklesia Charity Foundation
4. Vilnius University Children’s Hospital (oncology department)
5. ”Kijeliu” Home for totally handicapped children (School and training centre for severely disabled children)
6. Nursing home for elderly ALANTOS
7. Children and Youth Day Center “Mūsų nameliai”

Last week on Tuesday 9 November a presentation was organized for the press where everyone could have a sneak peek at what will happen 4 December. Enjoy the photos by Irina Tuminiene

See who are ICCB Sponsors