One of the most important charity events in Vilnius is coming up at the beginning of December. International Christmas Charity Bazaar (ICCB) will take place on 4 December at Vilnius Town Hall. Many IWAV ladies are now busy with preparations: looking for sponsors, planning the programme, preparing for publishing the cookery recipe collection (more details on this later), organizing participation of various embassies etc. For those who doesn’t know about ICCB, this event is organized annually and is a major charity event. Proceeds from ICCB are used to help those in need. This year there are 7 beneficiaries that were chosen by the charity committee:
1. Kaunas Medical University Hospital
2. Vilniaus m. Vaiku ir Jaunimo Pensionas (Orphanage for mentally and physically disabled children)
3. Ekklesia Charity Foundation
4. Vilnius University Children’s Hospital (oncology department)
5. ”Kijeliu” Home for totally handicapped children (School and training centre for severely disabled children)
6. Nursing home for elderly ALANTOS
7. Children and Youth Day Center “Mūsų nameliai”
Last week on Tuesday 9 November a presentation was organized for the press where everyone could have a sneak peek at what will happen 4 December. Enjoy the photos by Irina Tuminiene

See who are
ICCB Sponsors
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