Dear all, intense preparations for International Christmas Charity Bazaar are underway. Soon, hopefully, I will be able to share some photos of what is coming up in the “ICCB 2011 Sneak Peek” post! Now it’s just a bit more than two weeks before Christmas Charity Bazaar so check out this link to learn how you can help and don’t forget to save the date of December the 3rd to attend the International Christmas Charity Bazaar at Rotuse (11.00-17.00)
This year, funds raised at ICCB will help eight beneficiaries. They all need out support to improve living conditions or do some renovation work or to purchase some important equipment. See photos of beneficiaries below the list.
Projects serving Lithuania:
1. Oncohematology Department, Paediatric Clinic, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital
Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto ligoninės Vaikų ligų klinikų Onkohematologijos sektorius
2. Big Brothers Big Sisters Program of the Children Support Centre
Paramos vaikams centro Vilniuje programa Big Brothers Big Sisters
3. Youth Line Foundation
Paramos fondas „Jaunimo linija“
Projects serving the greater Vilnius municipality:
4. St. Joseph Children’s Shelter of Paparčiai
Paparčių Šv. Juozapo vaikų globos namai
5. Shelter for Mothers and Children of Vilnius
Vilniaus miesto motinos ir vaiko pensionas
6. Tremtiniu namai” Elderly Home of Vilnius
Senelių globos namai „Tremtinių namai“
7. Children’s Home “Gilė” of Vilnius
Vilniaus vaikų globos namai ,,Gilė“
8. Vilnius Antakalnis Children's Home
Vilniaus Antakalnio vaikų socialinės globos namai

Oncohematology Department, Paediatric Clinic, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital

Youth Line Foundation

St. Joseph Children’s Shelter of Paparčiai

Children’s Home “Gilė” of Vilnius

Vilnius Antakalnis Children's Home

Shelter for Mothers and Children of Vilnius

More information about ICCB and contact details.
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