Dear Ladies,
Lunch last Tuesday was at Mano liza. It is a cosy hotel restaurant and quite small but we had no trouble finding seats. The food was good but very filling - perhaps less on the plate would have been better. I know - we didn't have to eat it.
Tomorrow Tuesday 10th November 13.00 we will try Csarda which we have not been to for a long time. It is a hungarian restaurant on Mykolo 4 just off Pilies and round the corner from St Germain. They also have a place in Trakai.
Last Friday we had a coffee morning/members social. at the SAS Radisson which is such a lovely setting and those cakes are really wonderful. The little pig in me comes out when I see those cakes. I did take the leftovers to the homeless.
We had discussions on charity and activities and anything else that came to mind.
Erin has plans for our next monthly get together which sounds very interesting. She will be sending an email out to everyone very soon and I would recommend that you think about attending. She also has plans for a 'Cabaret" dinner dance in March which, last year, raised money for biopsy needles for breast cancer patients. This should be a LOT of FUN but it would be great to get more people on board to help with the planning and organising.
Sydney has plans for a food drive in conjunction with Prisma Supermarket which will be held in January. She is continually collecting clothes for various charities. Children's and adults clothes are needed. We also need more helpers so that Sydney can organise a charity committee. She also has plans ( and this was the first time she had mentioned this ) for a 'meals on wheels' charity.
Lots happening ladies and your organisation needs you - your body and your time.
Have a great week and see you tomorrow at lunch or at one of the meetings, or at one of the evening quizzes, or at the Marine Ball.
No wonder my head is spinning
Barbara - Chair
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